For those days when you are feeling much less fabulous than every other - Bon Iver is the cure.
Life's not easy for most of us and I blame it on capitalism. Capitalism favours a certain kind - either incredibly hard-working and intelligent people who relentlessly work their way to the top or the fortunate few who have an inheritance of great social contacts, the highest standard of education and the security of family money. Don't quote me on this - it's just how I perceive the system.
I have a love-hate relationship with the reality of capitalism. On the one hand, I hate the fact that the result of capitalism is that the minority at the top of the system live in luxury while the majority slave their lives away like little working ants. However, on the other hand I have tasted those moments of being on the receiving end of the luxurious lifestyle and boy, if I could live like a queen for a lifetime, I'd probably happily indulge. It's part of our human nature. We always want more. And besides that, it's nice to have people serve you and to not have any financial worries.
Although capitalism favours a certain kind, life is hard either way. Whether you're rich or poor or somewhere in between, successful or a failure, beautiful or not, it's hard.
Wherever you may find yourself in the system, for those moments when life finds you in rough place take a listen to this: